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About Us

Our Purpose

The Church of Firnando is a church dedicated to doing good in the world. We follow the guidance of Firnando, our Lord Split in Twain, as we build up a community of acceptance and compassion for all. We recognize that humans are not perfect, however we strive to be the best we can and make the world the best it can be.

Although we do worship a rubber duck god that is simply our pretext for why we exist. Our founder is High Priest Ellery, accompanied by his Council he makes the governance of our church.


Our Creation

We were created by High Priest Ellery to do good in the world. He created our church after he and a friend got a rubber duck from a grabber machine, then cut it in half to split the prize. We now worship Firnando, represented by a rubber duck.

Our Creed

We do not promise to be perfect, nor do we promise to always do the right thing. We simply promise each other that we will be as good as we can be to the best of our abilities, and we promise to forgive each other when we fall short of that goal. We also promise to tell each other when we fall short of this goal so that we might improve ourselves and eachother. We also promise to follow Firnando's eleven commandments to the best of our abilities.

The Commandments of Firnando

1: Don’t be a dick.

2: Spend time and energy making the world around you a better place. Personal happiness is important, but the more people who are happy, the grander the world is.

3: Remember yourself, and care for yourself. Others and their causes are important, but be true to your own nature and do not help others at the cost of yourself.

4: See the good in others even if it is difficult. Try to help those you can help, but remember not everyone is ready to change.

5: Don’t push your religious beliefs upon others. Firnandowism is cool and accepting, but religion is a personal thing and should be respected.

6: Use your best judgement. Try to do what you believe is best in any given situation.

7: Don’t be a sore loser. Respect your opponent as long as they respect you.

8: No means no. Respect others, their bodies, and their desires. 

9: You must tell others, gently, when they are being a dick. Help support them, but do not excuse bad behavior.

10: Respect the differing approaches we all have to life. However, those whose beliefs lead them to deprive the rights of others should not be tolerated, but different religions are fine.

11: Live with care for yourself, others, and the world around you. Be thoughtful in your actions, and remain true to yourself throughout.

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